What I Did Today

Opening a pair of pajamas on Christmas Eve is a tradition we grew up with and continue with Lucy.  This year as I was going through some clothes my mom was getting rid of I noticed this great Christmas shirt (thanks Auntie Brig!).  My mom gave me the idea to make Lucy some Christmas pants out of it.  What a great idea!  Thanks Mom!  I not only made it into pants but there was even enough to make an entire top too.

As I was figuring out how to make her jammies Lucy was playing dress up and hanging out with Violet.  It is so nice to have a little girl who will entertain herself... for awhile!

This is what I started with.

First, I cut out the sleeves to make the pants.  If making infant pants you can use the bodice of the shirt but my Lucy has too long of legs!  I used a pair of pants that are a bit big for her right now as a pattern since I want her to wear them for awhile.  Also, using the sleeves meant I didn't have to hem the pants. :)

After I cut out the pants I got a shirt that is also a good size for her right now and used that as a pattern.  The original shirt has buttons down the front and a nice collar so to not have to not have to mess with any of that I lined up Lucy's shirt with it in the middle and cut out the sides.

I cut enough fabric off the bottom to make the sleeves out of!  You will notice the sleeves are not full length.  There would have been a seem around the middle of the sleeve if I had made them full length so I asked if she wanted them short or long and she wanted them short, (they are about 3/4) which will work well for her since she is always pulling her sleeves up anyway.  The really fun part is that I made the cuffs of the sleeves out of the front of the shirt so on one arm are little buttons and on the other are the button holes.  Kind of cute!  And I can button her hands up if they are getting too grabby.  Haha!  Not really.

After all the cutting out I moved the pocket and sewed it all up!  Amazingly easy and quick... if you know how clothes go together.

I know, I know, you want to see a picture of her in them huh?  Well, you will have to wait until after Christmas.  I sure hope they fit.

Merry Christmas!  She LOVED her pajamas!  I realized one mistake I made, I need to add another button between the top one I added and the top one that was already there.  Oh well, an easy fix.


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