
Remembrance Day 2012

As if we could ever or would ever forget.  Once again it is Infant Loss Remembrance Day.  I don't have much or anything profound to say.  Just taking time to remember holding my precious girl for the few hours we got to have her.  As I feel this new little one growing inside of me and moving around and around I remember how hard little Aimee could kick and how social she was.  She would start moving even more when others would touch my belly!  It was almost as if she knew it would be her only chance to communicate with most of them on this earth.  I remember seeing her eyes open and close during her last ultrasound, savoring the moment with tears in my eyes knowing that it would probably be the only time we ever saw her do that, and it was.   What a precious moment to have been able to see and one I will treasure always. We love you Aimee and can't wait to be with you someday!! Aimee's birth day.

Baby Update

I know many of you are waiting to hear!  Sorry it has been a couple days but you understand how the schedule is right now; CRAZY!! Cute little feet! First things first, baby is doing very well.  They have all their fingers and toes that were opening and closing!  Hooray!  (As some of you know, this was another of the first signs that things weren't quite right for little Aimee.)  More importantly their heart is pumping and forming correctly and their brain is looking good! One minor thing that the doctor, of course, said not to worry about is a tiny cyst on baby's brain.  He said they see this in a large number of the babies now due to how detailed technology is these days and that many adults even have them and would never know.  Still, it's something to be praying stays small and doesn't become more than it is. We did NOT find out whether baby is a boy or girl and baby was so funny because it held it's legs together the whole time so even ...

Thank You!

I think that one of the most difficult parts of having to say "good-bye" to someone you love is all of the decisions that go with it.  Not only are there so many that you have to think about and make but every one of them tends to be a reminder of the pain and loss all over again.  So, we delayed.  I wanted to have a nameplate picked out and in place right away but we just couldn't do it.  None of the standard stones were what I had been hoping for and trying to figure it all out was proving to be too difficult.  So we set a goal.  Our goal was to have Aimee's stone in place by her birthday. July 2012 came quickly and Matt and I realized we still hadn't ordered it or even decided what we wanted.  So back to the cemetery (with more decisions to make) we went.  We met with a wonderful woman who told us we don't have to just stick with the standard pre-molds, there were a number of other options to put together.  We knew our goal timel...

Happy Birthday to Our Girls!

Lucy listening to her birthday song.  August 19th, 2012, Lucy turned 3 years old!  WOW!  I can't believe what a big girl she is now. As you know, August 19th is also Aimee's birthday.  Yes, a bittersweet day indeed.  We were anticipating a lot of emotions and not quite sure how the day was going to go so we purposefully planned the party for the 19th thinking that having friends and family around on the day would be great distractions. However, as I have mentioned before , sometimes the emotions catch us off guard.  On Saturday I was having a bad day and noticed Matt was too.  It wasn't until a friend of mine called asking how we were doing that I finally broke down and just cried on the phone to her.  She gave me some good advice and told me to let the emotions come so that the next day the worst of them would hopefully be over and we could enjoy a fun party.  So, I did.  I cried myself to sleep on Matt's chest and believe it ...

Coming February 2013

Yes, it's true.  We are expecting another little one February 2013.  Please pray for us as our nerves and emotions will most likely be on edge until the midpoint when we learn that, God willing, the baby is healthy and strong. Lucy's reaction: she insists there are 2!  And she wore purple pants this morning because, "the baby will like them." Currently feeling awful and can't wait to get past the first couple of months.  What worked for you and morning sickness?

HELP! Triple Chocolate Chunk Muffins, and they can be GF!

no, I am not a photographer... I guess I should pin that site on how to take pictures of food! :) Pinterest is one of the most addicting sites I think I have EVER come across!  I LOVE all the ideas I can get from it but found I spent a LOT of time on it.  I was inspired by a friend that told me she has to "earn" her time on it.  So, I thought that would be a great thing for me to do too.  I have to "earn" my time on it by doing at least 2 pins a week!  I was excited about Valentine's Day and used a couple of ideas making our breakfast look like this: Here Lucy is showing you her heart shaped bacon! And I made this for dessert that night.  It was GREAT!   Butterfinger Pie  Anyway, that is NOT what this post is about.  A few days ago we had some friends coming over for lunch and I wanted to make a good "healthier" dessert so I tried to make this : Triple Chocolate Chunk Muffin I was so excited that they were hea...

"Mommy, Where's Baby Aimee?"

The question came unexpectedly on a drive home from making Christmas cookies at Lucy's Aunt Noonie's house. (Yes, it has been awhile since I have written).  So shocked by the question I asked her what she said to be sure I heard her correctly. With more emphasis this time, "Mommy, where is your baby Aimee?" I thought hard about what my response would and could and should be.  Lucy knows it, "she's in heaven with Jesus."  We had talked about it often, both before Aimee was born, to prepare her for when we came home without a baby, and in the many talks since we have been home.  She often tells me how she wants to go to heaven to see baby Aimee and Jesus.  "Not until it's your turn."  I tell her.  "Let's not rush it!" This time it was as if she was asking for more, as if she was really trying to understand why Aimee didn't come home with us.  So, we talked as best we could in the car about her 'ouchie' heart and ...